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Caring for Plants with Pebble Mulch

Use these helpful hints for taking care of dish gardens and other plants with fixed rocks.

10 Ways to Save $$$ on Gardening

There are easy ways to trim the cost of gardening projects. Water less, weed less, cut down on herbicide use, and turn your landscape in...

10 September Gardening Tips

Early fall is perfect for planting. Dig into your garden and make it bigger, better, and more colorful! By Doug Jimerson

10 Things to Do in Your Garden in August

Keep your late-summer garden looking fantastic with these tips for August. By Doug Jimerson

10 Things To Do in Your Garden in June

As the days lengthen and the temperatures climb, your garden should be busting out all over. Here’s a list of things to do now. By Doug J...

10 Things to Do in Your Garden in July

Midsummer can be the best and the worst of times in your garden. Here are some tips to help you focus on the best of times. By Doug Jimerson

10 Ideas para Convertir tu Patio, Balcón o Terraza en un Lugar para Fiestas

Conoce aquí 10 ideas que pueden convertir tu jardín o patio en el lugar ideal para tus fiestas. Andrés Fortuño

10 Bellas Plantas para Cubrir los Terrenos Expuestos o “Groundcovers”

Las plantas de cubierta son la mejor alternativa para sustituir el césped.

10 Ideas para el Jardín Durante el Mes de Febrero

Protege tu jardín y tus plantas con estos buenos consejos.

Jardinería para el Mes de Abril

Consejos del jardín para comenzar la primavera.

Jardinería durante el Mes de Mayo

Consejos valiosos para trabajar en el jardín en plena primavera.

Ideas para Sacarle el Mayor Provecho a Tu Mandevilla

Conoce más sobre estas versátiles y coloridas plantas. Andrés Fortuño

10 April Gardening Tips

Not sure what to do in your garden? Check out our April Gardening Tips. By Doug Jimerson

10 Things to Do in Your Garden in March

Get your spring garden in shape with these must-do March tips. By Doug Jimerson

Plant Pests 101: Aphids

See how to control aphids, sap-sucking insect pests that can attack your plants. By Karen Weir-Jimerson

Plant Pests 101: Mealybugs

The vampires of the plant world, mealybugs are tiny sap-suckers. By Karen Weir-Jimerson

Plant Pests 101: Spider Mites

Discover how to spot and treat spider mites on houseplants. By Karen Weir-Jimerson

Why Do My Houseplants Have Yellow Leaves?

You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out why your favorite houseplant is has yellow leaves, but you may need to do a little sle...

A Guide to Growing Majesty Palms Indoors

Use our guide to growing majesty palm indoors. We’ll ensure your palm has a long, happy life in your home or office. By Debra Cespedes

Repotting Houseplants

Most houseplants can live happily in the same pot for years. But some fast-growing species such as philodendron or pothos may outgrow the...