Container Tip 1: Plant in Groups
One day some folks at Costa Farms decided to flex our creative muscles and plant some containers. Jennifer put together this stunning trio that uses chartreuse foliage (from coleus and lysimachia) to tie the containers together.
Her mix includes:
Blue delphinium
Chartreuse coleus
Creeping thyme
Red reiger begonias
Chartreuse creeping Jenny
Twisted juncus
Pink callas
Pink celosia

Container Tip 2: Consider Fragrance
Great gardens aren't all about their looks, as Betul knows! Her container garden features a couple of different types of fragrant dianthus, plus a pop of bright foliage and textural, twisted juncus. The effect is perfect for placing near your front door so you can enjoy the spicy scent of the dianthus every time you come and go!
Her mix includes:
White dianthus
Red dianthus
Chartreuse sweet potato vine
Golden creeping Jenny
Angelina sedum
Twisted juncus

Container Tip 3: Choose a Focal Point
One of the old "rules" of container garden design is that you should have a thriller (plant that catches the attention), a spiller (a plant that trails over the edge of the pot), and a filler (a plant that adds color and texture between the others).
Olga took the idea of having a thriller and ran with it by using a bold pink ti plant. She accented it with a variety of colorful annuals and perennials.
Her mix includes
Pink ti plant
Blue delphinium
Pink snapdragon
Purple calibrachoa
White scaevola
Asparagus fern
Red dianthus
Majesty palm
Golden creeping Jenny

Tip 4: Go Tropical
One benefit of most tropical plants is that they love hot weather, so you can count on them to hold up during harsh summer conditions. Marta Maria kept that in mind when she put together this fun mix of super-easy, colorful plants.
Her mix includes:
Tropical hibiscus
Kimberly Queen fern

Tip 5: Make it Easy
What good is a beautiful container garden if you can't keep it healthy? Because Jonathan has such a busy schedule, he filled his container with no-fuss Desert Escape succulents. He'll barely have to water his container this summer, plus he has a variety of textures to enjoy.
His mix includes:
Desert rose
Various succulents

Tip 6: Create Layers
Not sure where to start when putting plants together? Try creating layers of color and texture. Felipe did that with his container; he started with a big, bold, Tropical Hibiscus tree, then planted lower-growing HibisQs Hibiscus plants. Golden creeping Jenny trails delightfully over the edge.
His mix includes:
Tropical Hibiscus
Golden creeping Jenny

Tip 7: Look at the Leaves
It's easy to get caught up in beautiful flowers, but don't forget about how attractive leaves can be. Sylvie took that to heart when she designed this gorgeous container of bright Neon pothos and purple Persian shield.
Here's a hint: Purple and chartreuse are a classic color combination you can never go wrong with!

Tip 9: Design for Your Conditions
Not everyone has a sunny yard, so Justin designed his container to inspire gardeners in the shade. Featuring a bold pink ti plant as its focal point, it also shows off a variety of textures and colors from a variety of annuals, including white Bounce impatiens and trailing purple wishbone flower.
His mix includes:
Pink ti plant
White Bounce impatiens
Purple wishbone flower
Persian shield

Tip 10: Plan for Indoors or Out!
Lesley used a mix of colorful houseplants to create a container that provides color and texture all year long. In frost-free months, it thrives outdoors in a shaded spot, then before first frost, just move it in and enjoy the collection of easy-care houseplants. (Or leave it indoors all year long to purify the air!)
Her mix includes:
Red Aglaonema
Madagascar dragon tree
Spider plant

Tip 11: Give a Gift
Orchids are perfect for gifting -- whether you give them to yourself or someone special! Rommy put together this cheery container that would be the ideal way to brighten anyone's day!
Her mix includes:
Peach moth orchid
Here's a hint: Because the schefflera and succulents like a little different watering conditions, you can make it easier to care for by keeping the schefflera in its own pot within the container. That way you don't have to be as careful to deliver just the right amount of water to keep it happy without drowning the succulents.

Tip 12: Top it Off
Nicole put together a textural mix of colorful succulents, and took her container to the next level by topping the soil with colored sand. Any kind of top dressing, including sand, moss, crushed glass, sea shells, and marbles, is an easy way to dress up a container. We love the way she matched the sand to the pot!
Looking for more container gardening ideas? Check out these fun container combos!