Korean Rock Fern (Polystichum tsus-simense)
Korean Rock Fern Plant Features
Korean rock fern is a charming little fern perfect for adding texture to shady spots in the garden. Its shiny dark green fronds are a brilliant contrast to lighter colors, such as chartreuse or golden hostas. Korean rock fern makes a wonderful groundcover and will slowly spread through your garden. Or, try Korean rock fern in a container with other shade dwellers. The plants grow 12 to 15 inches tall. Hardy from zones 7-9.Korean Rock Fern Questions?
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Korean Rock Fern Growing Instructions
Korean rock fern grows best in shade and moist, well-drained soil that's rich in organic matter. Just like many ferns, it prefers an abundance of organic matter in the soil, so be sure to add compost at planting time. Korean rock fern grows best in regions with cool summers.Korean rock fern is not intended for human or animal consumption.
Outside: Shade
Special Features
Colorful foliage
Complement your Korean Rock Fern
IvyIvy planted around Korean Rock fern provides a textural contrast.
Heuchera and Korean Rock fern are a good pair to plant in any woodland setting.
Hosta, particularly varieties with yellow or chartreuse leaves look great paired with Korean Rock fern.