Amaryllis (Hippeastrum spp.)

Amaryllis Plant Features

No matter where you live, you can grow amaryllis. It's most commonly grown as a houseplant; the bulbs bloom around the holidays, making them perfect partners for poinsettias, Norfolk Island pines, and other holiday favorites. You'll typically see amaryllis in shades of red, but look around and you may be able to find stunners in shades of pink, apricot, orange, white, and even green.

Amaryllis grows from a bulb; the flowers pop up on a tall stem over the strappy leaves. Because the stem is so tall, it's helpful to have a heavy container that won't tip over. Look for beautiful containers in shades that will complement your amaryllis. 

Outdoors in frost-free regions, amaryllis are often grown as perennials in the perennial garden. 

Amaryllis Questions?
We're happy to help. Just drop us an email. 

Amaryllis Growing Instructions

Indoors, grow amaryllis in a bright spot; the more light it gets, the better it will bloom. Water regularly during spring and summer when its leaves are growing, then in October, stop watering completely. Move your amaryllis to a cool, dark place and let it rest for a couple of months. Then in December, bring it back to a warm spot with lots of light, resume watering, and you should be rewarded with beautiful blooms!

Outdoors, amaryllis thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. 

No matter where it's grown (indoors or out), amaryllis is not intended for animal or human consumption. 
  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Indoors: High light

    Outside: Sun

  • Colors






  • Special Features

    Purifies the air

    Super-easy to grow

Complement your Amaryllis

Norfolk Island Pine
Norfolk Island pine and amaryllis are perfect plant partners for holiday decor.

Give Norfolk Island pine a festive splash of color with beautiful poinsettia.

Colorful Aglaonema
Red agalaonema is a beautiful, easy-to-grow houseplant that looks great with amaryllis.