Research & Development
There’s no shortage of brainpower here.
Our research and development team helps us be sure that we’re growing the best plants on the market — whether it’s a houseplant, annual or perennial flower, or patio plant. We scour the globe looking for the newest plant varieties and thoroughly test them before we sell them.

Costa Farms Trial Garden
We test hundreds of perennial flowers in our 2-acre Trenton, South Carolina, Garden. We keep them in the ground for three years to determine both their performance during the growing season and their winter hardiness in USDA Hardiness Zone.

We test annual flowers in our 2-acre Trial Garden in Miami, Florida. We evaluate from December to May for spring performance and June to September for tolerance to heat, humidity, and heavy rain. If a plant survives all summer long, it should do well just about anywhere.

We trial more than plants! We’re always looking into new technologies to help us grow better, as well as growing techniques and pest control solutions. For example, we’ve started an insectary where we’re raising our own beneficial insects to help prevent/control pests without chemicals.

Many of the plant breeders we work with send us annuals and perennials years before the plants are released on the market. Our advanced trials gives breeders valuable information on their future new varieties. And our indoor plants are tested with the lighting and temperature levels found in the typical home environment to help us ensure we’re bringing you plants that will thrive.