Crocodile Dieffenbachia (Dieffenbachia Crocodile)

Crocodile Dieffenbachia Plant Features

There are a lot of fantastic Dieffenbachia varieties available and Crocodile is one of the most distinctive. This beauty shows off dark green leaves irregularly mottled with light green and speckled in white. But the real standout is the texture of the midrib on the underside of the foliage. Instead of being smooth, like most Dieffenbachia varieties, the midrib is crested --- giving it the look and feel of crocodile skin. 

A large houseplant, Dieffenbachia Crocodile can grow more than 6 feet tall in time with leaves more than 2 feet long. It's a stunning statement plant that brings an exotic, tropical feel into any space. It's a relatively fast-growing houseplant in a bright spot, especially when young. 

Buy Dieffenbachia Crocodile

Buy it online and have it shipped fresh from our farm, direct to your door from our online plant shop. Look for our Dieffenbachia Crocodile at your favorite retailer. See a list of our in-store and online retailer partners.

Crocodile Dieffenbachia Growing Instructions

Light Needs

A stunning and easy-care houseplant, Dieffenbachia Crocodile thrives in a spot with bright light (within 3 to 4 feet of a large unobstructed east- or west-facing window). It tolerates medium- and lower-light conditions, but won't thrive or look as full.

Don't fret if your space doesn't have the kind of natural light this houseplant wants. Dieffenbachia Crocodile will do just as well under artificial lights. 

Water Needs

Water your Dieffenbachia Crocodile houseplant as the top few inches of the potting mix dry to the touch. How much/often that is will depend on the plant's environment. The more light it's in, the more water it will usually need, for example. Warmer temperatures usually mean it drinks water faster. Humidity, pot size, and other factors also come into play. It's always best to test the potting mix with your finger or a moisture meter to feel whether it's moist before you add more water. This can help prevent overwatering and root-rot issues. 

If you're not sure if your Dieffenbachia Crocodile wants to be watered, it's typically better to hold off for a day or two. Like most Dieffenbachia varieties, Crocodile prefers to be a bit too dry than too wet. 

Humidity Needs

Average to above-average relative humidity levels (40% or higher) are best. Dieffenbachia Crocodile will tolerate lower humidity conditions because of its thick, rubbery leaves. But when the air is too dry, leaf tips and edges can turn brown and crispy. 

Fertilizer Needs

There's no one rule for fertilizing. Dieffenbachia Crocodile can get by with being fertilized as little as once or twice a year (spring and summer are best). Or you can fertilize frequently, following the directions on the fertilizer packaging. Never apply more fertilizer than the instructions recommend. Do be sure to use a fertilizer that's formulated for use on indoor plants. 


Dieffenbachia Crocodile doesn't require pruning, except to remove any old or damaged leaves. 

Note: This plant may have some natural degree of toxicity and may cause discomfort or illness if ingested. Additionally, exposure to the sap of this plant may cause discomfort to individuals with a sensitivity to it upon contact. Grown for ornamental purposes and not intended for human or animal consumption. We recommend keeping it out of reach of children or pets that may nibble. 

  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Indoors: High light

    Indoors: Medium light

  • Colors


  • Special Features

    Purifies the air

    Super-easy to grow

Complement your Crocodile Dieffenbachia

Dracaena White Aspen
Contrast Crocodile's large leaves with the strappy variegation of similarly easy-care White Aspen Dracaena.

Large Peace Lilies (including the variety Sensation) are a lovely accent to big Dieffenbachia selections like Crocodile.

Philodendron Ring of Fire
Enjoy a flamboyant display of color and texture by pairing these two tropical houseplants!