Ghost Fern (Athyrium 'Ghost')

Ghost Fern Plant Features

Ghost fern is one of the loveliest -- and most well-mannered -- ferns in the garden. A fancy hybrid of Japanese painted and lady ferns, Ghost ferns show off the best of both parents. It's a slowly spreading plant that develops lovely upright fronds brushed with silver. The plants can grow 24 to 36 inches tall. Ghost fern's amazing coloration makes it a natural combination for plants with silver highlights such as brunnera, silvery heuchera, and lungwort. Ghost fern is also deer-resistant and can tolerate short dry spells. Hardy from zones 4-8.

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Ghost Fern Growing Instructions

Grow ghost fern in a spot that has moist, but well-drained soil. It prefers lots of organic matter in the soil, so amend with compost, especially if you have sand or clay. Ghost fern also does best if it has consistent soil moisture, but is a bit more drought tolerant than other perennial ferns. 

Ghost fern is not recommended for human or animal consumption.
  • Water

    Constantly moist soil

  • Light

    Outside: Shade

  • Colors



  • Special Features

    Colorful foliage

    Deer/rabbit resistant


Complement your Ghost Fern

Every shade plant's best friend, Hosta works well with Ghost Fern.

Shade-loving Brunnera makes a great silvery companion for Ghost Fern.