Sweet Woodruff (Galium)

Sweet Woodruff Plant Features

Carpet shady spots in your garden with the bright green foliage and white blossoms of sweet woodruff. This easy-care ground cover grows just 6-8 inches tall and will quickly fill in bare spots in woodland gardens or shady borders. Plant sweet woodruff and let it ramble around taller perennials such as hosta and hellebore. The flowers which appear in May and June are held above the attractive whorled leaves. When brushed or rubbed, the foliage of sweet woodruff releases a sweet, grass-like fragrance. Sweet woodruff is also used in the production of May Wine a traditional German beverage served on May 1st every year. This rugged ground cover is also deer resistant. Hardy from zones 4-8.

Sweet Woodruff Questions?
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Sweet Woodruff Growing Instructions

Sweet woodruff grows best in a shady or partially shady location with slightly moist, well-drained soil. Add extra organic matter such as compost or rotted manure at planting time to get the plants off to a good start. Space sweet woodruff 8 to 10 inches apart.

Sweet woodruff is not recommended for human or animal consumption.
  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Outside: Part sun

    Outside: Shade

  • Colors



  • Special Features

    Deer/rabbit resistant


    Super-easy to grow

Complement your Sweet Woodruff

For an extra dose of color, scatter some Pansies into a bed of Sweet Woodruff in the early spring.

Blending two ground covers together is a great way to add interest to a shady corner. Try planting a bed of Sweet Woodruff next to a patch of Pachysandra.

Plant Sweet Woodruff at the feet of tall Hostas to add texture and color to your garden.