Variegated Ficus Triangularis (Ficus triangularis 'Variegata')

Variegated Ficus Triangularis Plant Features

Variegated Ficus triangularis is a trendy and distinctive houseplant. It's a surefire bet to add beauty to every indoor plant collection. It's a relatively uncommon member of the ficus tribe, and closely related to fiddleleaf fig (Ficus lyrata). The tree sports thick and waxy triangular leaves artfully edged in creamy white. Each leaf is different and unique, making it a showpiece. 

When young, it makes for a delightful addition to a brightly lit desk or tabletop where you can enjoy its variegated leaves up close. As it ages, it slowly grows into a tree and can reach 6 feet or more indoors with good care. It's a delightful experience watching your variegated Ficus triangularis grow into a stately specimen. 

Note: Variegated Ficus triangularis was discontinued in the Trending Tropicals® collection at the end of 2021.

Variegated Ficus Triangularis Growing Instructions

Indoors, this plant appreciates as much indirect light as you can provide. In Northern areas, it may take some hours of direct afternoon sun through a window, but in more Southerly areas, its creamy-white variegation can suffer sunburn. While it wants bright light, it also tolerates medium light. Wherever you choose to grow it, make sure it casts a shadow; in areas where it has little to no shadow, there may not be enough light for it to thrive.
Tip: It doesn't require natural sunlight and also does well under artificial light, such as fluorescent or LED bulbs

As with every houseplant, take care not to overwater your variegated Ficus triangularis. It does best when watered once the top several inches of the potting mix start to dry to the touch. 

Relative Humidity
Average- to above-average relative humidity levels are best. It can suffer in particularly dry air, such as arid climates or homes that use a lot of forced-air heating in the winter. In these situations, it's best to augment humidity. One way you can do this is placing a small humidifier nearby your plant. Another is, when it's young, to keep it under a cloche or terrarium. You can also grow it over a pebble tray (keeping the bottom of the pot above the water line so the roots don't rot) or put it in a close grouping with other houseplants. 

Pruning is not necessary for variegated Ficus triangularis, but you can trim or pinch it to give it a particular shape. If it's not in quite enough light and the the branches get long and lanky, you can pinch them back periodically to help it stay more full and bushy. 

Feed this ficus in spring and summer with any fertilizer formulated for use on houseplants or container plants. Be sure to follow the directions on the product packaging. Never apply more fertilizer than recommended. Doing so can cause damage to the roots which can be fatal. 
  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Indoors: High light

    Indoors: Medium light

  • Colors


  • Special Features

    Purifies the air

Complement your Variegated Ficus Triangularis

Polka Dot Begonia
Spots and stripes can be so much fun. Create drama by mixing this ficus with Begonia maculata.

Birkin Philodendron
Contrast its variegated foliage with the delightful pinstripes of Birkin Philodendron.