Irish Moss (Sagina spp.)

Irish Moss Plant Features

Irish moss forms a dense, compact mound of bright green, moss-like foliage. It's a great choice for shady sites, especially when it's tucked in and around stepping stones or used as a container plant. Irish moss grows 1 to 2 inches tall and is also tough enough to tolerate light foot traffic. In the summer, Irish moss develops dainty sprays of tiny white flowers that sparkle like dew drops over the bright foliage. Irish moss is deer resistant. Hardy from zones 4-8.

Irish Moss Questions?
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Irish Moss Growing Instructions

Plant Irish moss in a shady spot with rich, slightly moist soil. Or, in a container filled with a commercial potting soil mix. Keep the plant just slightly moist at all times and out of direct sunlight. Because Irish moss can grow 12 inches wide it makes a lovely groundcover in protected locations.

Irish moss is not recommended for human or animal consumption.
  • Water


  • Light

    Outside: Shade

  • Colors



  • Special Features

    Colorful foliage

    Deer/rabbit resistant


Complement your Irish Moss

The boldly colored leaves of Heuchera stand out even more against a bed of Irish Moss.

Low growing Hosta varieties look terrific planted in a mass of Irish Moss.

Shade loving perennials such as Tiarella make wonderful companions for Irish Moss.