Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum)

Tomato Plant Features

Just imagine having all the fresh, mouthwatering tomatoes you want at your fingertips! It's easy when you grow your own. Tomatoes are a snap to grow in any sunny spot and will even do well in containers. Tomatoes are generally broken into two main classes: indeterminate and determinate. Indeterminate varieties keep growing and producing fruit all summer long and are ideal if you want a consistent supply of tomatoes all summer long. Determinate tomatoes generally grow to a certain height and bear all their fruit at the same time. This makes them a better choice if you want a lot of fruit to can or freeze. For the best of both worlds plant both types in your garden. Also, to insure success look for disease-resistant varieties with the letters VFN or T after the plant's name. That indicates the variety was bred for tolerance to a number of common tomato ailments. Tomatoes also come in three basic types: cherry, paste, and slicing. Mix all three in the same garden if you want tomatoes for salads, sauces, and or sandwiches.

Tomato Questions?
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Tomato Growing Instructions

Plant tomatoes in a sunny spot that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sun a day. This easy-care crop prefers a rich, well drained soil. Consistent soil moisture is important so mulch your plants with several inches of straw, compost, or even newspaper right after planting. Feed your tomatoes with a slow-release granular fertilizer designed for vegetable production. If you need to water your plants do it in the morning so any water that might splash on the foliage will evaporate before nightfall. Stake or cage your tomatoes to keep them from toppling as they grow taller.

Tomato foliage is not recommended for human or animal consumption.
  • Water


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    Outside: Sun

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  • Special Features

    Super-easy to grow

Complement your Tomato

Basil and Tomatoes are a visual treat in the garden and on the plate.

Tomatoes and Peppers make great partners because they have the same cultural needs.

Dwarf varieties of Marigold make a pretty border around a bed of Tomatoes.