

A tried-and-true houseplant enjoyed by generations of plant owners, this tropical aroid features bold, variegated leaves and an easy-growing nature. Note: It’s sold grower’s choice, so you will receive the Dieffenbachia variety that’s looking best at the time of your order. It is grown and shipped fresh from our farm direct to your front door.

  • Lush, variegated leaves look good all year long.
  • Tolerates low light but grows best in a medium to bright spot.
  • Excellent for homes and offices.

Light Level: Indirect Sunlight

This plant needs to live in a room with at least some natural light. Place it on a table or countertop with windows nearby.

Water Level: Thirsty

This plant can only go 1-2 weeks without water so check on it weekly and add water every time the top two inches of soil dry out.

Quick Tips

Dieffenbachia is considered poisonous, so keep it out of reach of children or pets that may nibble.

AI Assistant

Grow your indoor oasis with confidence! Costa Farms plants come with 3 months of free AI plant care. You'll receive ongoing Dieffenbachia | medium care, plant health tips, and help from a community of other customers that will ensure your new plant thrives in ¡ts new home.

You'll also have access to our team of experts for ongoing plant care support. Even beginners can master plant parenthood with Costa Farms.

Size Guide
dieffenbachia plant in mid century pot sitting on a wood an iron shelf in someones home

Plant Bio


Because of its popularity as an easy-growing houseplant, plant breeders have released dozens of different Dieffenbachia varieties over the years. Most of these varieties display broad leaves marked in shades of white, cream, or yellow, and may grow from 48 to more than 60 inches tall. Most species of Dieffenbachia are native to the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. They prefer warm temperatures and average to above-average relative humidity conditions. They in the Aroid family, and as such, related to Philodendron, Pothos, Monstera, Spathiphyllum, and other common indoor plants.

Note: This plant may have some natural degree of toxicity and may cause discomfort or illness if ingested. Additionally, exposure to the sap of this plant may cause discomfort to individuals with a sensitivity to it upon contact. Grown for ornamental purposes and not intended for human or animal consumption.

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dieffenbachia plant in mid century pot sitting on a wood an iron shelf in someones home

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