3 Starter Tips for Success with Indoor Plants

3 Starter Tips for Success with Indoor Plants

Don't know where to start with indoor plants? No worries! I have three super-easy tips to get you started with indoor plants. 
I love to have indoor plants around me: They make me happy and scientific research shows they can reduce my stress, make me more productive, and keep me physically healthier. I know some folks who don’t have indoor plants because they’re intimidated. If you’ve been thinking about growing indoor plants but are afraid to get started, try these three easy tips:

1) Start with easy-care varieties

such as snake plant, Chinese evergreen, and ZZ plant. These indoor plants are among the most adaptable, so you don't usually have to worry about light, temperature, or other factors. These three varieties hold up well if you forget to water them. Just take care not to give them too much water. If the soil stays wet for a few days, they won't be happy.

2) Place your indoor plants

in a spot where you'll see them regularly. That way you'll be able to enjoy them to the fullest. If there are any problems, you should notice issues early -- before they become life-threatening to your plant. Happily, easy-care varieties usually don't have problems, but if an issue comes up, you can typically solve it before it becomes a serious threat.

3) Feel the soil before you water.

Watering issues are the most common stumbling blocks for happy indoor plants. One way to be sure you’re watering your plants properly is to feel the soil before you water. With most varieties, if you detect some moisture an inch or so under the surface, you don’t need to water. If it’s dry, then give your plants a shot of moisture. 
Hint: If you don’t want to get your fingers dirty, invest in an expensive moisture meter (available at garden centers). Just pop the probe in the soil and it will tell you if your indoor plant is dry. 
Looking for more? Check out our Houseplant Basics!

Just getting started? See 10 top houseplants for beginners.

Written by Justin Hancock