Celebrate National Indoor Plant Week

Celebrate National Indoor Plant Week

For National Indoor Plant Week, we're celebrating houseplants! 
It’s National Indoor Plant Week, a time to appreciate and celebrate indoor plants. They make our lives better in many ways. Are you aware of how?

Breathe Cleaner Air

One of the best reasons to have houseplants is that they clean our air by removing harmful pollutants. Called VOCs, these substances are constantly being released into our indoor spaces by cleaning products, electronics, and other manufactured goods. According to the Environmental Protection Agency), indoor air can be much more polluted outdoor air -- especially if you’re in an energy-efficient house or office. The more energy efficient a building is, the better it is  trapping air inside. 

A variety of scientific studies that show how well plants scrub harmful, potentially cancer-causing chemicals from the air -- including this brand-new research that highlights bromeliads and dracaenas.

Have a Better Outlook

I’m even more excited about scientific research that shows houseplants improve our mental health. In particular, they can increase our cognitive abilities (including memory and concentration). That’s why I have houseplants in my home and on my desk at work. 

3 Tips for Choosing Houseplants

Don’t have a plant in your home or office? Here are three tips to get you started.

1. Pick the right plant for your conditions.

It’s important to select plants that will thrive in the space you want to display them in. So note the amount of light and think about how much you’ll want to water them. Match those criteria to what’s on the plant tag for success.

2. Look for plants that work with your style.

Not all houseplants are dark green, leafy mounds. There’s an amazing variety of colors and textures available. Look for easy-care, colorful Red Aglaonema; variegated nerve plants; flamboyant ; and super-textural ferns. 

3. Select long-time favorites.

If in doubt, go with tried-and-true varieties, such as Chinese Evergreen, Ponytail Palm, Snake Plant, and ZZ Plant. In our testing, these varieties have turned out to be the most resilient and easy to grow. 

Written by Justin Hancock