Popular Ponytail Palm

Popular Ponytail Palm

The ideal plant for a houseplant newbies, ponytail palm is both beautiful and easy to grow.
If you’re familiar with the selection of plants from Costa Farms, you probably already know we grow some pretty easy-care varieties. Four super-easy plants ideal for both novice and experienced gardeners are Chinese evergreen, Snake Plant, ZZ plant, and my personal favorite, ponytail palm.

Occasionally called elephant’s foot, ponytail palm displays a gorgeous head of dark green strap-like leaves atop a thick stem with a bulbous base. This base stores excess water so your plant will be perfectly happy even when you take an extended vacation.

Popular with interior designers because of its quirky shape, ponytail palms come in a variety of sizes so they’ll work just as well on a bedside table as they do as a large specimen in a living area. Plus, these gorgeous plants are slow growers so you won’t have to worry about them taking over your home.

To prove just how tough these plants can be, I rescued one last fall that had been left behind when our neighbor moved to a another state. The poor plant had been tossed into an unused corner of the yard with little light and no moisture except for the occasional storm. When I noticed the plant, it had been abandoned for at least 5 months, yet it looked like it had just come from the garden center. Certainly it was a little crooked since it had been lying on its side all that time, but once I brought it home and stood it up, it straightened quickly.

For ideal growth, set your ponytail palm in a bright location and water whenever the surface of the soil feels dry to the touch. Remember, ponytail palms store water in their roots so overwatering can be more harmful than under watering. If you want your plant to grow faster give it a little liquid houseplant fertilizer in the spring and summer.

Discover more growing tips for ponytail palm here. 


Written by Doug Jimerson