Sago Palm Update

Sago Palm Update

Discover how the Costa Farms team is reacting to a news story about a poisonous plant. 
Last week we were saddened to see a news story that a dog had died because it had chewed on a poisonous plant that was growing in the homeowner’s yard as a part of the landscaping. In the news story, we were identified as a grower of that type of plant (sago palm) and it was mentioned that our plant tags don’t note that sago palm can be poisonous. 
There are no standards on this topic. Most growers don’t label plants and grocery stores don’t label more-common dog dangers such as candy, chocolate, grapes, raisins, and onions. We do note poisonous-plant information on our website to ensure the information is accessible.
We received some passionate feedback from folks around the country. As plant lovers, we know you want to have cool, exotic plants. And as dog lovers ourselves, we decided to be proactive and redesign our plant tags to include poisonous-plant information. These new plant tags should be shipping out in the coming weeks. 
The ornamental plants we grow are not intended for human or animal consumption, regardless of whether they’re considered poisonous. If you're afraid your pet may have ingested a potentially harmful plant, call your vet or the Animal Poison Control Center at 888.426.4435.

Written by Justin Hancock