1. Everyone Loves Hibiscus Flowers.
My nongardening friends (don't worry -- I'm working on converting them to become gardeners, too!) are always amazed at how big, bold, and tropical the blooms are. That's especially true for our hibiscus varieties, which have some pretty unbelievable color combinations and flowers that can get 10 inches wide!2. They're So Easy to Grow.
Other than keeping your hibiscus watered over the summer, there's nothing more you really have to do to get those amazing flowers. Wondering about pruning? Don't worry about it! Other special tricks? Nope. Just plant and enjoy.3. Hibiscus Love the Heat.
Before I moved to Miami, Florida, I found intense summer heat an annoyance, but not a big problem. Some of my annuals would go out of bloom when really hot weather struck, and that's just the way it was. But you don't have to worry about that with hibiscus. They bloom and bloom and bloom no matter how high the mercury soars. (So I'm sure to put them in a place I can enjoy a view of them from the window when I don't want to leave my air-conditioned living room.)4. There's One for Everyone.
You typically see a lot of red and yellow hibiscus. There are pinks, whites, oranges, and peaches, as well, but that's only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to these spectacular plants. Mango Daiquiri, for example, has double purple flowers edged in yellow; Strawberry Madras has sultry purple-red flowers that are delightfully deep and dark; and South Pacific Sipper shows off a variety of shades of cream, white, and pink in its lush double flowers.5. Hibiscus Grow Well in Pots.
Even though hibiscus flowers are so big and bold you can see them from across your yard, they're best enjoyed up close. Happily, they grow perfectly in planters on sunny decks, patios, porches, and balconies. It's a pretty amazing experience to be sipping ice-cold lemonade on a hot summer day and be looking at a hibiscus flower as big as your head!Written by Justin Hancock