Using Round Shapes in the Garden

Using Round Shapes in the Garden

Circles are one of the most simple shapes and add so much to garden design. 

Why are round objects so pleasing in a garden? Every time I see a round bed, a spherical shrub, a bed of globe amaranth (above), my eye is instantly drawn in. So, I did some research.

Garden with round shapes

Explanation 1: Circles Are Simple Geometry

I like the sound of that, but as I was terrible at geometry, I’m not even sure what that statement means. So I checked Google by typing “circle” and “geometry,” and found this: “The area of a circle = PIr2, where r=the radius of the circle and pi=3.141592”.
Well that doesn’t exactly clarify things.

 Explanation 2: Circles Add Good Design

Better Homes and Gardens tells me:
“Round forms, such as boxwood or barberry shrubs, for instance, add definition and stability to a mixed border. A series of mounded forms creates an undulating rhythm.”
Okay, that makes sense.


Explanation 3: Circles Are Metaphors

The circle has been a symbol since the beginning of time. The circle represents the sun, the earth, the circle of life. It represents infinity and being whole. I can see that in a round reflecting pond.
So circles represent shape, form, and meaning. Now we are getting somewhere.
I suspect I like round flowers because there are very few of them. Here’s the short list: globe amaranth, globe thistle, pincushion flower, armeria, echinops, rattlesnake master (in photo), and alliums; these all offer ball-shape blooms.
There are one-dimensional round flowers such as the disks of hardy hibiscus, bush daisy, cosmos, black-eyed Susan, and sun flower.  And there’s blooms that approach ball-ish, such as lantana, mums, and dahlias. 
If you are want to create a garden that has shape, form, and meaning, look no further than the perhaps the first shape you ever drew with a crayon: The circle.

Written by Karen Weir-Jimerson