Terrace A Slope

Terrace A Slope

A hilly yard can become a beautiful garden with terracing techniques (and beautiful blooms). 

Living in both Florida and Iowa means that I’ve never really had to deal with a sloping yard. Sure, both states do have rolling hills here and there, but for the most part, flat backyards are pretty standard.

But, as a garden writer I’ve traveled the country visiting home gardens in almost every type of situation—from canyon-like back yards to front yards that are so steep they could easily double as ski slopes in the winter. So, when I see a well-designed garden on steeply sloping site, I can’t help admire the ingenuity it took to transform it into a working garden.

Certainly, farmers have been using terraces to grow crops on mountainous terrain for thousands of years. Today, gardeners use the same principles of design on a much smaller scale in the home landscape. Instead of trying to mow on an incline (talk about backbreaking work), the property is divided up into a series of level spaces by sturdy retaining walls. And, besides creating useable garden space, terraces also help minimize erosion after heavy storms.

Various plant types showcased in the article

Last summer, on a trip to Minneapolis, my wife Karen and I walked by this home with a truly impressive landscape that’s skillfully tucked into a super steep hillside. Local fieldstone was used to create a tiered showcase of gorgeous perennial borders. What I really like is that each tier is held in place by a series low rock walls that are partially hidden by the flowers. This way, the yard looks less fortress-like and more welcoming.

Each of the beds is packed with native perennials that easily thrive in a Minnesota climate. Black-eyed Susan, purple coneflower, coreopsis, Joe pye weed, and bee balm bloom from summer through fall and rarely require supplemental watering or maintenance—ideal for a challenging space. And, best of all, there’s not a tuft of grass to mow.

Of course, if you have a gently sloping yard, you don’t have to go to such great lengths to eliminate mowing chores. A simple wall of railroad ties or boulders is all you need to level hilly spots around your home and give yourself more space to garden. Plus, with a stone wall you can tuck perennials and annuals into its nooks and crannies to add a new level of color and interest to your landscape. 

Various plant types showcased in the article

Here, for example, white scaevola, variegated plectranthus, and ivy tumble over the top of a stone wall creating a welcome veil of color. Other top low growing beauties to plant on walls include: hens and chicks, sweet alyssum, sedum, sandwort, ajuga, armeria, candytuft, creeping Jenny, woodland phlox, portulaca, and euphorbia.

Just remember to install a drainage pipe along the base of the wall to funnel off excess water. Walls over four feet tall may need additional engineering, so consult a landscape designer before undertaking such a major project.

Written by Doug Jimerson