This easy-care member of our Trending Tropicals® collection sports large, wing-shape leaves generously marked with bold silver spots over a dark green background. In addition, Polka Dot begonia also has reddish-purple stems and leaf undersides. As a bonus, Polka Dot begonia develops candelabra like clusters of pretty white flowers that add to the color show.
This spectacular begonia is a snap to grow, too. All Polka Dot needs is a spot where it receives bright, indirect light and a quick drink whenever the surface of the soil feels dry to the touch.
Over time, Polka Dot begonia can grow more than 2 feet tall, but you can trim it to keep the plant more compact if space is tight. If the plant gets too tall, you might need to stake it to keep it from toppling.
Good partners for Polka Dot include Little Swiss monstera and Raven® ZZ plant. Mass these colorful plants together in a bright location and enjoy these unusual beauties.
Written by Justin Hancock