5 Easy Tips for Philodendron Care

5 Easy Tips for Philodendron Care

Discover these 5 easy tips for growing healthy and happy philodendrons.
Philodendrons are one of the easiest plants to grow. Here are 5 tips for raising healthy philodendron indoors.

1. Change the light

Do you want your philodendron to grow faster? Does your plant look a little leggy? Give your plant a bit more light and you’ll see the difference. While this generally unfussy plant can survive in low light, it grows faster (and will stay healthier) in bright indirect light. Too much sun is bad, however. The leaves can burn in direct sunlight.
Read more about finding the right light for your houseplants.

2. Don’t overwater

One of the quickest way to kill a plant -- any plant -- is to overwater it. If roots sit in water-logged soil, they will essentially drown. Your plant may actually show you it’s getting too much water: if the leaves are droopy (and the soil feels moist), it's a sign to let up on watering. If the soil is bone dry, droopy leaves can be a sign that the plant is not getting enough water.
See how to identify what is wrong if you have yellowing leaves. 

3. Feed your plant (but don’t go bananas)

Fertilize your philodendron once a month in the spring and summer months. This is when your plant will put on the most growth. In the fall and winter, taper back feedings to every 6 to 8 weeks. Another rule of thumb is to look at the leaves for clues as to when to feed more. If the plant is growing slowly and the new leaves are smaller than the older leaves, the plant may be saying “feed me.”
Dig into more about feeding your plants. 

4. Give vining types room to roam 

Show off the charms of vining philodendrons by giving them space and opportunity to grow upwards or cascade down. These ambitious plants can scale a post or other structure. Or they can cascade down when planted in a hanging basket.
Discover more creative ways to display hanging plants. 

5. Repot your philodendron when it becomes root bound

Because philodendrons are such easy plants to grow, plant lovers have them for years. Eventually if you are a successful philodendron parent, you will need to repot your plant. If the roots are growing out of the drain holes in the bottom of the pot, it’s time to repot.
Here are other signals that it’s repotting time -- and how to repot your plant.

Written by Karen Weir-Jimerson