Most houseplants offer foliage in leafy hues of green. But if you want to add pops of color to your interior spaces with plants, then try these colorful beauties in the Trending Tropicals® collection (which are hand-picked by Costa Farms Plant Hunter Mike Rimland for their unique qualities).
Painted Lady Philodendron
Color Surprise: Golden-Yellow Leaves
Painted Lady Philodendron is a delight to the eyes for her colorful, variegated, golden-yellow foliage. Each leaf is dapperly dappled with specks of light green and chartreuse, making it a visual feast. But that's not all. Look close and you'll notice the stems and petioles (the stem connecting the main stem with a leaf) are a cheery rosy-pink color. Every leaf is different and delightful.

Raven ZZ Plant
Color Surprise: Dark Chocolate Brown
Plant collectors have been abuzz about this plant for years, and now Raven is available to everyone. What’s all the fuss about? The color: Raven has glossy, chocolate-brown foliage. Decorators love it because it mixes well with other plants. ZZ plants are one of the easiest plants to grow because they are so adaptable; they thrive in most kinds of light -- from low to medium light. This plant's arching branches and rich dark foliage make it a must-have houseplant for your office, bedroom or bath.
Colorful Aglaonema
Color Surprise: Reds, Pinks, Greens, Creams
Aglaonmea (Ag-la-o-ne-ma) may look like a mouthful to pronounce (we call it Colorful Ag for short), but it couldn’t be easier to grow. This boldly colored Chinese evergreen features splashy variegated and bi-colored foliage in reds, pinks, chartreuse, and white hues. Colorful Ags are ideal solutions for home decorators who want plants that push the color-palettes envelope. You can use these plants in place of cut flower arrangements on sofa tables, dining room tables, or kitchen countertops.
Written by Karen Weir-Jimerson