Put Golden Goddess philodendron on your shopping list if you’re looking for a
plant with spectacular chartreuse foliage.
This cheerful climber is another new introduction to our Trending
Tropicals® collection.
This beauty will quickly scramble up a moss covered totem or trellis, reaching heights of up to 6 feet.
display Golden Goddess in a hanging basket
where its golden foliage will trail over the edge of the pot.
Golden Goddess doesn’t mind pruning either so
you can trim it at any time if you want to keep it more compact.
Golden Goddess is also super easy to grow. It adapts well to almost any light conditions, except direct sun, and is
totally content being watered only when the surface of the soil dries out. Like many vining plants, the foliage of
Golden Goddess gets larger the older your plant becomes.
Written by Doug Jimerson