Of course, I later learned that the leaves grow like this naturally (and magically!). And ever since, I’ve admired monstera leaves for what they are: living works of art.
According to an article in Racked, monstera has struck a large number of other folks this way, too. Because these big creative leaves are crazy popular in interior design: “‘The Monstera is everywhere you turn, and everyone wants one in their space,’ says Charlotte Parker, the social manager of Apartment Therapy’s Instagram, who estimates that Monstera leaves are featured in more than 25 percent of interior design content she sees on Instagram.” See the entire Racked article here.
This plant is so popular, it even has its own hashtag: #Monstera Monday with more than 175,000 posts (as of publication date).
Monstera is a member of the Araceae family; other relations in this family include callas and arums, all which have a flower called a spadix surrounded by a bract called a spathe. When monstera does occasionally bloom, you’ll discover that the flower is very similar to that of a calla lily.
Monstera deliciosa, is native to the tropical forests of southern Mexico reaching as far south to Panama. Often called split-leaf philodendron (although not a true philodendron), the holy leaves earn monstera another common name: Swiss Cheese Plant.
Care for this plant is easy. Monstera tolerates low light, but grows faster (and becomes more dramatic) in brighter light. It can take some direct sun when grown indoors. Water monstera regularly -- enough to keep the soil from drying out. Learn more about monstera care.
Written by Karen Weir-Jimerson