A Fantastic and Fragrant Phlox for Spring

A Fantastic and Fragrant Phlox for Spring

Did you know there's a great perennial phlox for shade? 

I'm a big fan of phlox. Back when I lived in the North, I had a bunch of different varieties of garden phlox lining my front walkway. The fragrance walking up to my house was practically intoxicating -- and the phlox gave a big dose of color that made my front yard stand out. 

But summer-blooming garden phlox isn't the only variety. I also made room for woodland phlox under a big maple tree in my yard. Woodland phlox isn't your average phlox. For one thing, it's a low, mounding plant rather than a tall, upright grower. And another interesting quality is that it's a spring bloomer (usually May for me), so it's great for combining with spring-blooming bulbs, groundcovers such as ajuga, and hostas. Like its taller cousin, though, woodland phlox has fragrant flowers so it appeals to the eyes and the nose.

If you haven't grown woodland phlox before, give it a try. It's a fun way to add color to the shade.

Written by Justin Hancock