Showing off cute flowers in shades of red, pink, and white, anthurium blooms on and off throughout the year if it gets
enough light, warmth, and humidity. And if conditions are warm and humid enough, the blooms can last for months
(especially the newer varieties). When it’s not graced with its fantastic flowers, anthurium’s shiny, dark green foliage
still offers impactful home décor.

Peace Lily
Among the most common houseplants, peace lily shows off
lustrous dark green foliage topped by stems of white flowers that look like calla lilies. Like other flowering
houseplants, peace lily prefers plenty of light to keep it producing those beautiful blooms. And whether it’s flowering
or not, you can count on peace lily to efficiently filter pollutants from indoor air.

Though it’s from the tropical rainforests, you might think bromeliads come from another planet because of their exotic
appearance. Strappy leaves are topped by colorful clusters of flowers in shades of red, orange, yellow, pink, purple, or
white, depending on the type. Some offer variegated leaves, too.

While many folks don’t usually think of orchids as
houseplants, moth orchids (Phalaenopsis) are actually a little more tolerant of neglect than your average
houseplant. While they bloom once a year (usually in late winter or early spring when nights get cool), the floral
display goes on for months.

Sometimes called Hawaiian wedding flower, this easy-growing vine shows off waxy clusters of pure-white, fragrant flowers
in spring and summer. Stephanotis is an elegant plant that's
perfect for growing up poles or indoor trellises.
Grow stephanotis in a bright spot for best flowering.
Water when the top inch or two of the potting mix dries. Fertilizing with a houseplant fertilizer a couple of times in
spring and summer can help produce more flowers.