Earth Day comes around each year, but you can celebrate the holiday every day when you own houseplants. Take potting soil, for example. Using a sustainable soil alternative, such as coir, in your containers allows you to preserve peat moss, an important natural resource on Earth. Plus, using a coconut coir-based potting mixture in houseplants keeps them healthy. Coconut Coir is an Eco-friendly Soil Alternative
If you dig into the soil medium for the Trending Tropicals® houseplants, you’ll see it is primarily coir, which is a byproduct of coconut hulls. This fluffy potting mixture is a healthy recipe of organic materials that support plant roots and retain moisture. Here’s why coir is more sustainable than peat moss.
- Peat moss is harvested from bogs where it has developed over millions of years. Coir is made from coconuts which are a sustainable resource because they are from the fruit of trees that will continue to produce indefinitely.
- Fiber from the hulls is a part of the coconut that would otherwise be discarded. Coir is making something useful out of a byproduct.
This Earth Day, Think Global (Green)
In honor of Earth Day, consider adding Global Green Pothos to your plant collection. This plant is truly a citizen of the globe. Pothos are native to southeast Asia. This beautiful variety was discovered in Japan, by Mike Rimland, Costa Farms’ Plant Hunter. And the baby plants are grown in south Florida in a sustainable soil mixture harvested from coconuts. See all the Trending Tropicals® house plants that are grown in sustainable coir at for this Earth Day.
Other Ways to Celebrate Earth Day (Everyday)
As a plant owner and gardener, there are so many other ways to embrace sustainability.
- Help conserve water by mulching (which also keeps weed seeds from gaining a roothold).
- Start a compost pile. Read about the nutritious miracle of compost for your garden and containers.
- Use less pesticides (and carefully) so that the beneficial insects in your garden, such as pollinating bees and butterflies, can thrive. Here's how to plant a butterfly garden.
- And plant flowers, herbs, and other nectar-rich plants that feed pollinators (here are 10!) as well as provide host plants for their young.
See more ideas for celebrating Earth Day every day at home and in your garden.
Written by Karen Weir-Jimerson