We recently heard about the controversy surrounding a the safety of some laminate flooring from a popular American
flooring company. It can be scary stuff to think that the beautiful flooring you recently installed may be harming your
health. But it's not just laminate flooring that can release dangerous chemicals such as formaldehyde into the air you
breathe: Lots of things release small amounts of pollutants into the air, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
These include insulation, paint, and even cleaning products such as dish soap and fabric softener.
The good news is that houseplants pull those harmful, potentially cancer-causing chemicals right out of the air. Even better? Some of the easiest-to-grow houseplants are some the best at it, too!
Five Hard-to-Kill
Houseplants that Clean the Air
Madagascar dragon tree
Peace lily
Spider plant
The good news is that houseplants pull those harmful, potentially cancer-causing chemicals right out of the air. Even better? Some of the easiest-to-grow houseplants are some the best at it, too!
Five Hard-to-Kill
Houseplants that Clean the Air
evergreenMadagascar dragon tree
Peace lily
Spider plant
Written by Justin Hancock