Interior Design Inspiration -- Using Floor Plants

Interior Design Inspiration -- Using Floor Plants

Floor plants generally fall into two major groups: indoor trees and bushy accent plants. Both are important additions to your home’s decor.

Every interior decorator knows that live plants play a key role in turning an otherwise boring room into a personal retreat. Not only do plants add color, texture and scale to any setting, they also add a natural flair that bridges the indoor and outdoor environments. Large floor plants, for example, are a great way that one or two plants can make a big difference, even in space-challenged homes.

What is a floor plant?

Floor plants generally fall into two major groups: indoor trees and bushy accent plants. Both are important additions to your home’s decor. Here are some top picks in each category.

Indoor trees

For add towers of foliage that lift the eye and make smaller rooms seem larger than they actually are. They also work great in awkward locations behind furniture or flanking doors or windows. Some of the best picks for indoor trees include: 

Large accent plants

Many classic varieties of indoor plants can grow large enough to make a bold statement near an entry, alongside your sofa, or under a bank of windows, Some beautiful accent plants include larger specimens of: 

Tip for success

Because large plants can be quite heavy, place them on a plant caddy with casters that will allow you to move your plant around more easily.

Discover more about indoor trees.

Written by Doug Jimerson