Ivy is a classic plant for the holidays. Its trailing habit, heart-shape leaves, and adaptable personality make it ideal for centerpieces, wreaths, and more.
Are you looking for some new ways to add live greenery to your holiday décor (and home after the holidays are over)? Crafters and gardeners alike love the versatility of ivy. Here are 6 easy ways to use ivy indoors for quick-fix décor.
1 Centerpieces
Simply set a single or trio of ivies into a colorful serving bowl and you have an instant centerpiece for dinners or buffets.2 Kissing balls
An ivy-clad ball hanging in a doorway is like mistletoe (but without the poisonous berries for your cat to eat). Clip ivy tendrils and pin them onto a styrofoam ball. Long-lasting ivy will look good for several days. Mist it to keep it fresh.
3 Mini-tree topiaries
Train eager ivy to grow onto a conical form to make a mini tree. Choose tiny-leaved ivy, such as Pixie Dixie, to cover cone frames. Add tiny copper twinkle lights and a ribbon for garland.
4 Wreaths
Intertwine ivy tendrils into a readymade grapevine wreath to give it a fresh look. Or make a tiny wreath from cuttings.5 Add "frosted" accents
Try “icy” ivy varieties, those with silver or white variegation, such as: Adam, Ingrid Liz, Jubilee, Little Hermann, Millennium, Mini Adam, Silver Bells, Silver Dollar, Silver Lace, Surprise, Primadonna, Nena, Mint Kolibri, and Sarah.
6 Mantel-scaping
Place ivies into festive red, green, or metallic holiday containers. Line them up on your mantle for instant holiday décor.
A note about ivy care: Ivies like it cool. Avoid placing them a heat source. They don’t like strong sunlight, so
position them near a north- or east-facing window. During the winter, keep your plants just barely moist, but not
wet. When spring comes, water whenever the soil just starts to dry.
There are so many types of ivy. Start a collection!
See more ideas for using ivy at the holidays.
Written by Karen Weir-Jimerson